Friday, June 29, 2007

100 mph

I am starting to get an itch. I haven't got my car over 100 since I moved here. I am going to Nebraska this weekend, so I plan on getting it up to 120 just to get it out of my system for another month.
If any cops read this, I will be on HW71 between Ft. Morgan and Kimball, please give me the lane.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

F'in cops

So, that road I got a ticket on a couple of weeks ago is a massive speed trap. I haven't got another ticket, but I am definitely annoyed by their presence.
These guys sit at different intersections along this 3 mile road at least 3 days a week. It would be ok if they were visible, but they are hiding behind bushes and fences. Mind you, I am not bitter that I got a ticket, I am bitter about how they go about business.
I think the police should be providing me with a safe commute to work. Instead, they are stalking commuters to run up their revenue. If they want to make it safe and truly slow down traffic, they should patrol; nothing slows down a motorist like seeing a cop driving down the road. Instead, they hide, and when a motorist finally sees them from 100 ft, they jam on their brakes. Is that safe?
So my thoughts: I am not in a hurry to get to work in the morning (I don't drive fast because I am in a hurry, I just drive fast...) so I was thinking of picketing their speed traps. When I drive by them, I am thinking of pulling over, getting a sign out of my trunk that reads "speed trap ahead", walking right by them, and holding a sign up 100 yards in front of them.
I mean for crying out loud, everybody from New Orleans to Kona knows Aurora for its meth problem, not its speeding problem.