Thursday, May 31, 2007

The altitude rocks

So I have tried running now two different times. Running at 6200ft is quite different than running at sea level - less drag. I think I blew out a ventrical this morning on my run, hopefully I will be better by Saturday. I have to start my training this weekend. I have signed up for the America's Finest City half marathon in San Diego in August, so I have to figure out how to run more than 2 miles...
The people in CO have different hot rods than those in San Diego. I have been egged on to race by 3 different people in the 2 days I have been here. One was a mustang with a super charger (who does that), the other was a corvette, and of course a rice burner tried his luck. Any more, I am not so easily taunted. I figure, my car doesn't have anything to prove, so just go ahead, see you later at the stop light.
I haven't heard from Kurtiss lately, must still be in detox.
I was prompted to sign up for that half marathon by Bake sending an email stating he signed up. I am totally going blood free this time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha,yeah. The altitude will kick the butt for a while. I have yet to run since our 7 miler last Sunday. Maybe I'll try tomorrow. I guess I should officially start training since I convinced you to sign up.
