Monday, August 20, 2007

Back in Denva

So Erik and I sent Eric out of San Diego with a boom. The thing is, the boom was Eric's knee providing the fireworks for the National Anthem. All in all, we had a good time for Eric's going away weekend.

As for the AFC half marathon...
I finished in 2:27 and didn't stop to walk/jog until mile 11.3 or so. It was where ever the route turned uphill at A st and then went up 6th Avenue.
Bake finished in 2:08. He was kind enough to run with me for a short while at the beginning of the race. It was really too bad. If he wouldn't have run with me for the first 127 ft, he may have finished in 2:07.
Eric finished in 2:04. Not bad considering the stress he was under the last few weeks.
For me, it was a personal record. The last one I ran, I started to walk at mile 9.something and I finished 8 minutes faster this time.


Anonymous said...

Is that EAST DENVA!!!!


TJ Morton said...

What kind of crappy ass blog is this anyway?!?!?!?
No new posts for two weeks!!!!!!
Crap I say, Crap!

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