Friday, August 17, 2007

Off to San Diego

That's right, I am heading back to San Diego this evening. Apparently, I was supposed to be getting ready for some half marathon or something the last couple of months.
I think I got suckered into signing up for this thing. At any rate, I have been lazy as usual and have devoted my exercise time lately to my new bike and haven't ran for more than 2 weeks. We'll see how it goes...
I am hoping that living at 6000 ft for the last 3 months will help. I have no doubt that I can run continuously for 6-7 miles, it is the next 6-7 that has me really worried. Could it possibly be worse than me going to Austria for a week with Travis and getting back 2 days before a half marathon? That's what I did last time.
Oh well, at least I get to go to San Diego for Eric's, "I'm moving to steers and queers country going away party." I mean how bad can Texas be, TJ came from there.

1 comment:

TJ Morton said...

Shouldn't your last line say, "What the hell is Eric thinking, TJ is from Texas and he's pretty messed up?"
Have fun with that 13.1 miles!