Friday, July 27, 2007

Guess what I got!

I will start with saying the Chargers suck.

I got season tickets to the Broncos this year. That's right. I have been here for 2 months and my brother landed me a season ticket. I can't wait for that game on October 7th. I still haven't decided, should I wear the throwback Elway or the throwback Joiner jersey???

I know the year I had season tickets to the Chargers, the fans around there were pissed when I showed up with my Elway jersey on for the Broncos game. I think the Denver fans would be much less forgiving if I showed up with my Joiner jersey for the Chargers game.

What am I even thinking about, like I said earlier, the Chargers suck.

Go Broncos


The Ray said...

The Broncos Swallow!

I'm looking forward to a nice Christmas!

Congrats on the tickets though. The bolts have already sold out the season...

Anonymous said...

Sweet! I am sure the Doncos will improve while in your presence. Did they make the playoffs last year?