Tuesday, August 7, 2007

My first ride

So I went for my first bike ride today. I got home around 4:30 and figured I would put in about a 30 min ride. I started down a bike path that went through different parks. After about 14 minutes, I turned around. This is where everything went wrong.
The bike path went through about 4 different parks and about every half mile there was Y in the path so that it went all over the area into different parks. After about 3 minutes on my way back, I was lost. About 2 minutes later, I saw something familiar and thought that I was back on the right path after another minute.
Well, after about 15 minutes on the way back I was totally lost and the rain had started. I stopped and asked some girl how to get back to an intersection I knew and she was like, go that way, make a right at the light and you are there.
Well, I made it to the light and she was right. I had about 3/4 of a mile to get home and it was pouring.
By the time I got home, I was completely drenched, but all in all it was a good 8 mile ride that took me about 35 minutes. What is that? About 14mph, not bad for my first ride.


Anonymous said...

Here you go G, thought you could use some help. How to. How about a picture of your new ride?

Anonymous said...

Oh, yeah. Cam thinks you're funny.